Monday, August 1, 2011

My 200th Post!

Wow!  I can't believe in about 2 years I've written 200 posts!  I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who's been following our adventures.  For those who have been around since the beginning you've seen us (meaning me because Josh transitioned way too easily!) going thru total chaos getting ready for our move. 

Packing, applications, movers, transition.  You've been there thru laughter and tears, wishing us luck on our adventures, being our support system from afar and helping us when we found that the adventures we were embarking on were much harder than ever anticipated.  You've read all about my search for things like a dry cleaner, a muffin pan and the hunt for food from home.  You've helped us thru our struggle to find friends here and build relationships even when we weren't sure about it.  You've seen us go from fledglings in a big city with a new language to thriving in a part of the world we had never envisioned living in before. 

This blog has been extremely cathartic for me and while I know not everyone loves the idea of me sharing my dirty laundry with the world, it's a diary I'm more than happy to share (and the really private stuff has stayed private I assure you) and it's one that I hope one day the boys will be able to read, look back on and not only remember the times we spent living in Europe but also to see it from a different perspective than what they had living here.  It also helps to know that perhaps someone else who might be thinking of living abroad might read it and learn from our experiences, both good and bad.  Knowing I have an audience reading my entries has helped me to keep up with my writing even on days when I think I don't want to do this - that I just want to enjoy our time here without "having" to write about it.  But I'm glad I've stuck with it and that you've stuck with me thru the last 2 years. 

We still have two more years to go here in Barcelona and our adventures are far from over.  Yes, things have gotten easier from certain perspectives (I now know where the dry cleaners is and where to get most of our stuff) and the last year has been filled with much of our travels that are a bonus to living so close to so many fabulous places.  But there are still challenges ahead of us and I hope in the next 200 entries to go back to where we started and talk more about life and what makes it both wonderful and difficult in a foreign country. 

So once more I just want to thank everyone for reading and keeping up with our life abroad!  Life is a big adventure - live it to the fullest! 


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