Thursday, August 6, 2009

And so the craziness begins...

I've never blogged before so this is going to be a whole new experience above and beyond this new wild rollercoaster of a ride we are about to embark on. So on Tuesday we signed the contract confirming that we are, indeed, going to Barcelona later this year (exact date still TBD). It's a 2 year contract and something we've been waiting on for more than a year now. It's a really exciting time, yet stressful and even sad perhaps. And I would even dare say, feeling a bit guilty - almost like survivors guilt. Like we're leaving everyone to have this great adventure and our friends and family won't be with us. But it is what it is and I need to move on from that. As Josh says (way too often), "Julie, you are focusing on the wrong box".

So now I'm in manic or maybe even panic mode. Ok, I can't say that I'm just entering that mode as if I haven't been like that for the last few months when this appeared to be a reality. In actuality, I've been freaking out about this for months and running around like a crazy woman giving away all my baby stuff, trying to purge the house (and yet it seems like there still is an abundance of crap here that still needs to go), and just trying to figure out which side is up.

Josh thinks that the houses are going to move themselves and the kids will sign themselves up for school, dogs will get their own shots, but realistically folks, we all know who needs to handle it. Me!! And honestly, I feel better doing it myself anyways - I'll know it's done my way. No, not anal at all there!!! So now it's purge, organize, make lists... lots of lists. I bought a notebook just for all the tasks I need to do (and yes, creating a blog was one of them, so yea, I get to check an action item off the list - again, can you say anal?).

So at this point you are probably already bored thinking, woo hoo, great she gets to go to Barcelona and is already complaining. By no means am I complaining - I'm excited! Just overwhelmed at this point too. I'm hoping to post some fun and funny stuff over the next few months as we get prepared for the big departure date. My guess is the posting about how Aidan takes the big move will prove to be an interesting one and will be coming up as soon as we get our actual departure date so we can give him some solid info. Still trying to figure out the approach on that one. I've been testing the waters a little bit with him by buying him a globe and showing him different places (he would like to know if you dig to China will they know he is coming??), telling him that daddy has a new job, talking about friends that have moved. When he asks if we are ever going to move, I don't want to lie to him so for now I've been saying, "well someday we might". Then he proceeds to freak out. Not a great sign of things to come. He does seem to like the idea of videocams to chat with his friends though... I guess it could go either way. Stay tuned!!!

So I hope you'll all check in from time to time to see what we are up to - from telling the kids about the big move, to our discovery trip to Barcelona to find a home, to packing up the houses, kids and dogs, moving my business across the ocean (yet still working in the US) to what I'm going to guess will be a hellish flight to get there and then adjusting to a whole new world for us - oh and did I mention that Josh and I don't speak Spanish?? It will be amusing I'm sure (at least to you, it may not be to me at the time!)!

Signing off for now... it's been a long day of school applications, gym cancellations and even some work thrown in there. Night all!!!


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