Saturday, July 14, 2012

Mellow Days with Nana and Papa

I probably should have posted this post before my sad goodbyes one but since I've got about 20 drafts in no particular order here, I must have missed it.  Anyways, our last few days in Boston were spent with my family.  We had lunch with my brother and sister-in-law and then spent a lot of time with my mom and dad.  Sometimes I feel like my parents get gyped on these trips.  We use their house as our homebase but are hardly there.  So while we are staying with them, we don't usually get a ton of time just hanging out with them.  And while this trip wasn't much different than previous trips, I did actually schedule time with my parents into our calendar.  Anal, I know... but necessary because if I saw empty spots on the calendar I would have filled them in with something!!

What I love most about being with my family is their ability to mellow me.  I'm high strung by nature but something about being with my mom and dad enables me to slow down and with the intensity of this visit, it was something that I sorely needed...and I think the kids as well. 

The kids played outside with my mom and dad, throwing the ball around or just sitting on the wall chatting away.  My mom and I took some time to ourselves, getting pedicures and doing a little shopping, really some of our only one on one time.  We went to the spa earlier in our trip but our sessions weren't in the same room so we didn't get to hang out.  The great thing is that I get to talk to her on the phone multiple times a week when I'm here in Spain and she's incredibly understanding about the pressure we are under to see so many people while we are home.  But as always, I wish that meant more time with them as well.

As I mentioned, one of the things that is important to me is my parents' ability to help bring us down a bit when things get intense.  This is especially important with Aidan who goes through a lot of emotions during the time we are home.  He and my mom have a great bond together and I know that this low key time with her is very important to him (and to her).  They draw a lot and chat and it's something I know he looks forward to every year with her.  In the meantime, they'll draw and email each other pictures during the year. 

So while I have no pictures to reflect this time spent together, it was important time nonetheless and time that I'm so glad that we made sure we had, which of course, is never enough.  As I say each time, there is always next year!!! 


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